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نئی صورت کی خوشیاں اور نئے اسباب غم ہوں گے

From the blog seems77 اکبر الہ آبادی کی تقریبا 90 برس قبل کی پیش گوئی ملاحظہ کریں جس میں انہوں نے آج کی موجودہ جدید جاہلیت کی ہو بہو منظر کشی کی تھی. یہ موجودہ طریقے راہی ملک عدم ہونگے نئی تہذیب ہوگی اور نئے سامان بہم ہوں گے نئے عنوان سے زینت دکھائیں گے حسیں اپنی نہ ایسا پیچ زلفوں میں نہ گیسو میں یہ خم ہوں گے نہ خاتونوں میں رہ جائے گی پردے کی پابندی نہ گھونگھٹ اس طرح سے حاجب روئے صنم ہوں گے بدل جائے گا انداز طبائع دور گردوں سے نئی صورت کی خوشیاں اور نئے اسباب غم ہوں گے خبر دیتی ہے تحریک ہوا تبدیل موسم کی کھلیں گے اور ہی گل 'زمزمے بلبل کے کم ہوں گے عقائد پر قیامت آئے گی ترمیم ملت سے نیا کعبہ بنے گا مغربی پتلے صنم ہوں گے بہت ہوں گے مغنی نغمہء تقلید یورپ کے مگر بے جوڑ ہوں گے اس لئے بے تال و سم ہوں گے ہماری اصطلاحوں سے زباں نا آشنا ہو گی لغات مغربی بازار کی بھاشا سے ضم ہوں گے بدل جائے گا معیار شpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Why I Don't Like Cats or Dogs

From the blog the-emo-wolverine-writesPets are something that are often considered a part of childhood. A lot of the people reading this have probably had a pet at one point in time, whether it was a stray cat who ate dinner scraps or a frog you caught outside after the rain. While I personally like the *idea* of pets, there is no animal that I would like to keep as my own. None. The very first pet I had was a fish. I remember my dad calling home one day and asking what my favorite color was. I don't remember if he mentioned the fish or not, but it was a red Siamese fighting fish, the first of four or five that would live in our house. The thing about Siamese fighting fish is that, well, they'd very much like to kill each other. Therefore, separate bowls for each. Now there weren't four bowls- just two. Whenever one dpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Recent Design Work: A Cup of Tia

From the blog noorsplaceMy designing gears have been running wild these days. There's nothing better than finishing a blog design that fits the aesthetics and style of the blogger who owns it. I'm a huge fan of visual arts and blog designing is one of the best outlets for this kind of works. Today I want to share my most recent and current favorite blog design project that I did for Tia who runs the blog *A Cup of Tia*. It's a custom blog design & it was so fun to design. Tia's vision was quite definite. She wanted a chic and girly design that was also graceful in every possible way. "*ACupofTia will be a place where young women can come and read testimonies of other young women for inspiration. Get tips on college, relationship advice, etc. This is also a place for young women to get to know me and knpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Ideas by Gul Ahmed New Collection: Digital Dreams Nautica

From the blog jasminecatchesbutterflies [image: Ideas by Gul Ahmed New Collection: Digital Dreams Nautica] [image: Ideas by Gul Ahmed New Collection: Digital Dreams Nautica] Ideas by Gul Ahmed just came out with a maritime themed spring/summer collection called Digital Dreams Nautica which they officially launched last Thursday at the Dolmen Mall Clifton, Karachi. The name makes it self-explanatory that these digital prints reflect nautical designs and the shade range comprises of blue, green and even rustic with a pop of colour. I personally love ready-to-wear outfits as they save me a lot of hassle and since they are popular with the fast paced city life, Gul Ahmed specifically focused on pret and luxury pret this time. The new collection mostly has cambric but a little bit of silk too and that makes it appropriatpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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