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In Remembrance of Fatimah Surraiyah Bajia

From the blog pkhope “Grief is a price we pay for love” Queen Elizabeth II Fatimah Suraiyya Bajia (1930 – 2016) renowned Pakistani playwright, television director, poetess and a philanthropist passed away in Karachi. During a life span spread over eight decades, Bajia went through momentous phases from her childhood in Deccan, to migration, settling in a new country, playing a parental role for her nine siblings, becoming a part of an evolving electronic media and finally observing the rise and fall of Urdu televised drama and the city of Karachi. Nonetheless, she remained an inseparable part of a city life that extremely fluctuated on its quality living, security, cultural norms, political ethics and civic values. The cultural circles of Karachi found the resilient Bajia active through the periodpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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