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Pathankot Attack and Modi Nawaz Relations

From the Blog pkhope This is going to be painful, very painful for both Narendra Modi and Nawaz Sharif. Hawks would be ecstatic on both sides of the border, but doves and common people would be alarmed, disappointed and apprehensive after what happened in Pathankot, India today. Nobody was expecting a smooth ride in Pak-India relations after Modi made a surprise visit to Nawaz Sharif’s residence in Lahore. But at least hope rekindled and there was a unprecedented acceleration in betterment of the nexus between the two rival countries. People were dreading that if something like Mumbai happened again, things would take an ugly turn. Pathankot storming by terrorists is not as big as Mumbai but nonetheless it’s serious and may be part of the series of attacks in Eastern Punjab of India. Indian analyspakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 5620282076257665341 Pakistani Blog Posts


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