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بگ بیش کی زبردست کامیابی، پاکستان سپر لیگ کے لیے مشعل راہ

From the Blog cricnamaجب پاکستان اور نیوزی لینڈ مدمقابل تھے اور دنیائے کرکٹ کی دو بڑی ٹیمیں جنوبی افریقہ اور انگلستان خالی میدانوں میں ایک یادگار سیریز کھیل رہی تھیں، آسٹریلیا کے میدان تماشائیوں سے ابل رہے تھے۔ پاکستان میں اس مرتبہ یہ لیگ اتنی زیادہ مقبول نہیں ہوئی کیونکہ اس میں کوئی پاکستانی کھلاڑی شریک نہیں تھاpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Easypaisa Nominated for Global Mobile Awards for the 4th Consecutive Time

From the Blog propakistani Easypaisa has been nominated for the prestigious GSMA Global Mobile Awards – 2016 in the "Best Mobile Product or Service for Women in Emerging Markets" category. This is the fourth consecutive time that Easypaisa has been nominated for a GSMA award, commonly dubbed as the "Oscars" of the Mobile and Telecommunication industry. In 2014, Easypaisa won... - pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Difference Between PSL and MCL

From the Blog pkhope By funding extremism in Pakistan, UAE is basking in Cricket glory these days as Pakistan is forced to use their venues for their T20 league and other international matches. It pains us a lot to see that we cannot play Cricket in our country just because some lunatics would strike at the game. If it would be up to me, I would never choose UAE as an alternate venue. I would go to Sri Lanka or Malaysia. Anyway, we are hapless people and rely on the remittances from those gulf states for now. As we start PSL, UAE starts MCL. As with everything else, these Emiratis don't have any team of their own. By throwing ugly money around in bags, they have gathered retired players from around the world and holding this tournaments. They are offering such large sums that many players from Papakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 4932862244461892542 Pakistani Blog Posts


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