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Why are children afraid of going to school?

From the Blog pamirtimes[image: Shakila Bano]By Shakila Bano The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear. Nelson Mandela American Psychiatric Association defines fear as a negative emotion toward a real or imagined danger that threatens an individual’s life, personality, or values, including goals and principles. Some fears are innate, like fear of heights […]pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Who Are You? – The Case for a Global KYC Registry

From the Blog faisalkhanThe KYC Problem In the world of payments and transactions, how do you identify a person? Globally? Some nations have ID cards, most don’t have it. Some have email, quite a few don’t. Many have mobile phones – which makes a great case for *it* being a unique identifier, but then comes along Mark Zuckerberg and David Marcus from Facebook – and they want to kill the telephone number. The (Facebook) *Messenger* is all you need, cites Mark. Interesting concept, except that is one sided. It favors Facebook more than anyone else. An advantage, I’m not willing to give in to Facebook… yet! So, the question that begs to be answered – How do we make a global registry? One that can not only be used to identify a person, but also be acceptable as a form of authenticated token for purposes pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 5508155131147097304 Pakistani Blog Posts


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