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From the Blog cybegeekI know what this pain is why it hurts when I close my eyes I know why the heart aches I know why it burns when I try to remember For these are the tears that never came out For I kept waiting for someone to cry with Searching for a shoulder to cry on For I loved her like a mother didn't even let me see her face How loathsome you are For humanity a disgrace Pity thy soul for it knows love not Pity thy life for it is all a loss May she rest in peace For she sacrificed everything for you May she be with loved ones Far better than all of you A few days ago one of my very close non Ahmadi relatives passed away when we went there we were treated like untouchables, It's surreal to be treated as outcasts or achoot in a house u grew up in, by those who don't even belong there... Whpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 6650167302680308545 Pakistani Blog Posts


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