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Palestine: Revolt of the Oppressed

From the Blog iabhopal Where should we go after the last frontier? Where should the birds fly after the last sky? – Palestinian poet Mahmoud Darwish The Palestinians have once again taken to the streets. And it is not merely the wrath of the young stone-throwers that Israel faces today. The entire Palestinian society seems to have revolted, like never before. Men and women, young and old – all are taking on the might of the most ruthless apartheid regime the world has ever seen, with whatever they have got. With stones, kitchen knives and at times with their bare hands and vulnerable bodies. For the first time, young girls are part of these extraordinary protests. Last week, an AFP report noted how manicured fingers and hennaed hands are wielding stones to defend themselves and their homeland. Is thpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 5142655681835221153 Pakistani Blog Posts


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