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Butter Smooth

From the Blog tanveerrauf [image: old man] The speedy car stopped running over the old man with a screech. Hearing the loud shrill people gathered from nearby and surrounded the smashed car. The driver died at the spot. He was immediately taken to hospital in the car that was following him But an old frail figure was is torn rags and broken bones and profusely bleeding. He died after being involved in a collision with a car while crossing the road His face was full of blood, cuts and bruises. People watched him trying to recognize him. Then suddenly one of the boy from the crowd shouted saying, “Oh its Ishaq Baba, I know him” People stepped forward to see Ishaq Baba who was a friend of all. His words echoed in their ears, “I was among those hard working laborers who crushed stones under the scorchinpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 25320009467853443 Pakistani Blog Posts


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