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0.9% Muslims are irrelevant in American Presidential election; so why to be part of debate?

From the Blog hallopakistan*After recent rants against Muslims by Republican presidential candidates; I just Google how many Muslims are living in America and to my surprise just 0.9% of total American population.* *All those who ever participated in any kind of political activity in any part of the world would tell you that 0.9% is such a low figure that candidates not even bother to discuss them but for republicans it seems the biggest issue America is currently facing.* *If Muslims are as rich or as influential as 1.9% Jews of America still I can buy the theory but majority of them belonged to lower strata of society while rest of them are middle class professionals having almost negligible role in American policy making and economy.* *Many Americans in their entire lives never meet any Muslim but why tpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 1669171114090938887 Pakistani Blog Posts


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