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Pakistan Approves Net Metering and Feed-in Tariffs for Solar and Wind

From the Blog riazhaqPakistani power regulators have approved a regulatory framework for solar and wind energy for both commercial and residential installations. The framework includes feed-in tariffs for commercial power producers and net metering for residential applications of up to 1 MW. Under the new Net Metering Law, NEPRA, the Pakistani power regulator, will grant power generation licenses to solar and wind system owners. The owners will need to register the critical equipment used, particularly the make and model of inverter and generator used. Among other technical considerations, the generator must also install a manual disconnect device to take the system off the network if necessary, according to details published by PV Tech publication. Net metering is a billing mechanism that pays sopakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

کون کون سیمی فائنل میں پہنچا؟ فیصلہ ہوگیا

From the Blog cricnamaاتوار کو گروپ بی کے اہم ترین میچ میں عمران خان جونئیر کی شاندار ہیٹ ٹرک کی بدولت کراچی ریجن کو شکست دیتے ہوئے پیشاور ریجن نے سیمی فائنل کے لیے کوالیفائی کرلیا۔ جب میچ کا آغاز ہوا تو پشاور نے ٹاس جیت کر پہلے گیند بازی کا فیصلہ کیا اور گیند بازوں نے یہpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Handbag wishlist

From the Blog beanbagtalesThe one article almost all fashion magazines feature is on handbags and what to carry in them. '5 must-haves for your handbag' or 'Handbag police: What will we find in yours?' or 'Travel essentials: 7 items every girl needs on a holiday' and there's also the 'guide to a perfectly equipped handbag'. It seems as the handbag is the saviour of the world, the real superhero which will have the answer to everything. Since I am obsessed with bags and do end up carrying a lot of stuff for those 'just in case' moments (which have never really happened in all these years), I made a wishlist of what I'd really like in my handbag...from all my favourite books. 1. The Invisibility cloak: Both Harry Potter and Amar Ayyar ( Tilsm-e-Hoshruba) have one and boy, does it come handy. Once someone apakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 7317019158902691626 Pakistani Blog Posts


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