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Largest Ever NED University Alumni Convention in Toronto in 2015

From the Blog riazhaqOver 600 NEDians and their families from all over North America and other parts of the world converged on Toronto to attend the Karachi-based engineering university's 11th international alumni convention for the year 2015. It was organized by the NED Alumni Association of Canada over the Labor Day weekend (September 4-6, 2015) at the Mississauga Hilton. Last year, the NED Alumni convention was held in Silicon Valley, California. Next year's convention will be held in Houston, Texas. *Arrival in Toronto:* My wife and I were met by Pakistanis from the moment we landed at Toronto Pearson International Airport. Our first encounter was with a Karachi-born Canadian immigration officer. Our taxi driver who took us from the airport to the hotel was a Sikh gentleman. The manager at tpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

انگلستان نے کردیا کمال، چوتھا ایک روزہ جیت لیا

From the Blog cricnamaانگلستان نے چوتھے ایک روزہ میں ایک شاندارایون مورگن کی 92 رنز کی قائدانہ اننگز اور آخر میں ڈیوڈ وِلی کے فیصلہ کن چھکے کی بدولت آسٹریلیا کو شکست دے کر سیریز کو برابر کردیا ہے۔ ٹیسٹ سیریز کو ذہن میں نہ لائیں تب بھی ہمیں اندازہ نہیں تھا کہ انگلستان عالمی چیمپئن آسٹریلیا کےpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 2470009652733311377 Pakistani Blog Posts


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