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How Pakistani IT freelancers are letting go their foreign exchange earnings due to reluctance of local banks

From the Blog ppakistanWhile IT industry world wide is a multi trillion dollar industry, yet still there are many individuals who are making their livelihood from the IT sector as a free lancer. These are the people who work independently and offer their services online to people around the world, undertaking small and medium sized project and completing them from the comfort of their home. The cost of a project may be as low as US$ 10 with no maximum limit. These type of people can easily be categorized as "cottage IT industry" In Pakistan, these type of people are denied bank accounts, credit cards and other banking facilities as freelancing is not accepted as a valid and decent source of income. So to accept payments from International buyers, these type of people have signed up with an Internatiopakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 8311253716509175873 Pakistani Blog Posts


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