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Chris Skinner on stage: Finance 2.0 Conference Zurich

From the Blog faisalkhan [image: Chris Skinner on stage: Finance 2.0 Conference Zurich] Whenever I am bored, I always turn my attention to Chris Skinner. His blog, tweets, etc. always offer a wealth of information. It was a surprise for me when I came across a video of his that I had not seen before. Chris Skinner on stage: Finance 2.0 Conference Zurich was an event in 2014, and it is worth watching. If you are anyone associated with the banking industry, this video itself should be a wake up call and a tutorial for you. The key point is given at the start of the talk is shown below (emphasis supplied): Not to mention, Chris does the Vulcan salute naturally… [image: Vulcan Salute] The post Chris Skinner on stage: Finance 2.0 Conference Zurich appeared first on Faisal Khan. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 1519069744602127267 Pakistani Blog Posts


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