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Churna Island Trip, Karachi

From the Blog ppakistanRecently tourism scene in Pakistan, specially in Karachi is on a roll. There are many companies and individuals who have started offering tourism packages with in karachi. This includes Karachi city tour, island tours, karachi historical tours, karachi beaches, national parks etc. I heard a lot about churna island (charna island) tours, which have been going around for last 3 to 4 years. I always wanted to take the tour but due to one reason or the other could not take it. I have had heard about the clear water, the underwater life and the journey and always wanted to take on such a journey. Finally I decided to take a tour and signed up with Divers club for the tour on a saturday morning. The tour started from a said location in Karachi at about 8 am where we boarded an air copakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 9115891998553096182 Pakistani Blog Posts


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