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Cyber Crime Bill: Transforming cyber space into a Tiny Hole

From the Blog pakteahouse *Luavut Zahid took comments from two of the Pak Tea House Editors/Contributors on the proposed Cyber Crime Bill that has been approved by National Assembly’s standing committee for IT and has been sent thereof. We are cross posting the comments given for our readers. Malik Omaid* [image: cyber crime13] The Cybercrime Bill 2015 has been the subject of much controversy with most unsure of whether it is a much needed legislation or a catastrophe in the making. Yasser Latif Hamdani, a lawyer who has been a core part of the YouTube case, and specialises in cyber laws, internet freedom and public interest litigation, feels that the bill itself is the need of the hour, but fractured in its current form. “The basic problem with the bill is that it has language which is likely to bepakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 1212260484939088847 Pakistani Blog Posts


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