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Review: KISS InstaWave

From the Blog lubbyz *Hi everyone ! * *Today I am reviewing the awesome KISS InstaWave which is a fully automatic tangle free curler. You can create either a curly look or a wavy look depending on the look you are going for ! The cool thing about the InstaWave is that it has a setting that allows you to curl in left or right directions. It has two settings low and high ( highest temp can go up to 420 ). The curler shuts off automatically after 90 minutes in case you forget to shut it off ! * *I blow dryed my hair straight and put in a heat protectant.* *Take a section of your hair and simply put it on the curling rod. Press the light or right button depending on which direction you want your curls to go. The rod will automatically catch your hair and twist it around the rod.* *Hold for about pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Color Studio Professional Haute Nail Polish - Superman Blue | Review and Swatch

From the Blog jasminecatchesbutterflies[image: Color Studio Professional Haute Nail Polish - Superman Blue | Review and Swatch] Color Studio Professional nail polishes are absolutely amazing for the price. I recently picked up this cobalt blue shade called Superman Blue which looks just as masculine as it sounds and I feel it can be worn all year round. The formula is great and fast drying. The shade is glossy, non-streaky and looks good enough with a single coat but for full opacity two coats are ideal. It lasts on nails for 3-4 days without chipping, but the gloss gradually lessens like it does with most nail polishes. The chunky bottle is sturdy and the applicator is of good quality too. [image: Color Studio Professional Haute Nail Polish - Superman Blue | Review and Swatch] *Price:* 250 PKR *Amount:* 11 ml / 0.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 2085928465575600759 Pakistani Blog Posts


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