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Dec 04, Urdu letters: “Searching beauty through Art and Literature– Sheikh Ayaz.”

From the Blog randomlyabstract Shaikh Ayaz was a twentieth century poet, born on 23rd March 1923 in Shikarpur, Sindh. He is considered one of the best poets in Pakistan, and his work has earned him respect from all over the literary world. Having complete hold over English, Urdu, Arabic, Persian and Hindi languages, his code of preference remained Sindhi, which gave him great fame in the province. He has also translated some of Shah Bithai’s poetry, and for him art and literature were ways of searching ‘beauty’. A very interesting article written by Nazeer Lughari in a local magazine published last Sunday talks about the poet’s personal life and includes scripts of his famous (and oh so poetic) Urdu letters and wise, soulful talks. [image: ShAyaz_ra]In one of his letters, he writes about Sukkur; a city wherpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

The Handwriting Tag

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