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What does my Quora profile say?

From the Blog faisalkhan [image: Faisal Khan: Banking & Payments Consultant] As most of you know, I’m a Quora addict. I love it. With over 3,600+ answers on Quora, I have always wondered what my contributions on Quora stack up in each vertical. Enter Giordan Stark who put up a really cool app to generate a pie chart based on your answers. Here is what my chart looks like – Pretty cool eh! [image: Faisal Khan Quora Top Writer Banking and Payment Consultant] Related posts: 1. Quora. You don’t park it. You position it. 2. Faisal Khan’s answer to Remittances: What opportunities exist for US or Europe based start-ups in the Remittances vertical? – Quora 3. 2,800+ Answers on Quora. [image: YARPP] pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Supermodels Snapshots

From the Blog pakistanimodelsSee pictures and read all about Supermodels Snapshots: A blog post from Karachi Girls at The largest Pakistani Models network of... To see pictures, click the headline above.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

PCB and NZC saddened by death of Phillip Hughes

From the Blog enChairman Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) Mr. Shaharyar Mohammad Khan, COO Subhan Ahmad and the entire Board staff and cricket fraternity in Pakistan was deeply saddened by the passing away of Phillip Hughes. “It’s a sad day for cricket. We share the grief of Phil Hughes’ untimely and tragic death with his friends and family, and Read More pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 843014059967279787 Pakistani Blog Posts


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