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Multi-dimensional Poverty Index Captures Depth of Deprivation in India

From the Blog riazhaq "India is home to over 340 million destitute people and is the second poorest country in South Asia after war-torn Afghanistan...In South Asia, Afghanistan has the highest level of destitution at 38%. This is followed by India at 28.5%. Bangladesh (17.2%) and Pakistan (20.7%) have much lower levels" Colin Hunter, Center for Research on Globalization Increases in per capita income and human development index are often used as indicators to represent improvements in the lives of ordinary people in developing nations in Asia, Africa and Latin America. Both of these have significant limitations which are addressed by Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative (OPHI)'s MPI, multi-dimensional poverty index. The MPI brings together 10 indicators, with equal weighting for educatpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 115404904969251209 Pakistani Blog Posts


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