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Escaping Reality

From the Blog beanbagtalesIt is so easy to lose oneself in a book and forget reality. Especially if reality sucks. Since childhood I've found fantasy fiction to be the best hideaway. Maybe this feeling came about after I read *Tilsm-e-Hoshruba* at age eleven. No matter how crazy everything became around me, here was the answer to all my problems. Not just the story itself but the possibilities the story provided to my imagination. Solitude was no longer scary because I always had imaginary friends, mostly characters from the novel, at my beck and call. I was queen of my realm and my wazir was a deadly cobra who was constantly at my side but invisible to all. I found similar abandon in some works of Neil Gaiman. Step into *Neverwhere*, *The Graveyard Book*, or *Stardust *and the world ceases to exist. Wpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Dear #Zoheb #Hassan

From the Blog shaistathinks Dear Zoheb, Listening to Coke Studio’s version of your song, Chehra, was a very painful experience! Not that one kept thinking of Nazia, but also what she might have said to you listening to all that noise! I assure you, I even listened to it for the second time. I really do believe wholeheartedly in giving second chances. Your original, was such a romantic soulful melody! It was all about Zoheb Hassan! The coke studio version is no where close! It is, dare I say, nothing but a lot of noise, and your own voice, seems to be coming from a distance far far away! Maybe I did not like the new version because, like all your fans, I am so used to just Zoheb being the star of the show! While I welcome your return to the screen, but pray dont ever do this again……ever! For the lovepakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 3154280542087141640 Pakistani Blog Posts


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