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Friends, Romans and Countrymen, lend me your Ears

From the Blog pakteahouse *By Bisma Tirmizi* [image: Islamabad Shelling] *The system of democracy is not an effigy or idol that the people are to worship, it’s a system that must work for the people it serves, there is no democracy if the system is not working. Absence of food, water, justice, security, education, electricity, gas, sanitation, et cetera means there is no democracy.* The last almost 2 days have unleashed the madness of King George on the people of Pakistan, within its borders and without. My opinion kept wavering, I am a supporter of Imran Khan but I saw my commitment to him flip flopping, I am all for electoral reforms but did not bargain for rubber bullets and tear gas, I heard the voice in my head scream, `stop this, the powers that be must stop this, control it when you can, this ipakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Putting Karachi on the Map

From the Blog sonyarehman *By Sonya Rehman* Her love for her city is set in stone. Through her project, “Humans of Karachi” (an immensely popular Facebook page inspired by Brandon Stanton’s “Humans of New York” page), Karachi-based photographer Khaula Jamil provides her audience with a different, more humane side of Karachi. [image: Khaula Jamil] Khaula Jamil Featuring Pakistanis from all walks of life, Jamil has emulated Stanton’s model by not only featuring the overlooked, but also by quoting her subjects about their lives, their hopes, and their dreams. The photographs and stories are as rich as they are varied. Honest, raw and intriguing, the page offers a positive and, at its best, *realistic* portrayal of one portion of the Pakistani populace. [image: Khaula Jamil in action] Khaula Jamil in actipakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 3447132224289045381 Pakistani Blog Posts


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