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Live Transmission of Tahzeeb Tv starts in Pakistan

From the Blog fmcommunication [image: Tehzeev Tv] Live transmission and test run of Tehzeeb TV starts on Pakistani satellite PAKSAT-1R, Tehzeez TV starts its transmission in the Holy month of Ramadan-ul-Mubarik 2014. *About Tehzeeb TV*: Tehzeeb Tv is a Pakistani based Islamic TV channel with an aim to spread the content of Holy Quran and other related topics in different languages via electronic media. *How Tahzeeb TV describes itself on its website* ? *Tehzeeb TV is a modest effort of a group of friends, who besides other things have been motivated by the khutba given by our Holy Prophet (PBUH) on the occasion of Hajj-tul-Wida, wherein he had asked his followers to hold on firmly to the Quran.* *Our aim is to, “Spread the content of the Holy Quran possibly in the whole universe; targeting the Human Rpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 7307860307936783578 Pakistani Blog Posts


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