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Internally Discarded People

From the Blog pkhope Since my coming to senses in Pakistan, I have always heard FATA being referred as ‘Ilaqa-e-Ghair’. May it be can be translated as Land of Aliens. Neither we gave them any Pakistani recognition, neither we made any conscious efforts. Now as the people of one of FATA agency North Waziristan become internally displaced due to the operation, we still not recognizing them as one of our own. The difference is palpable and shocking. When operation in Swat was launched, and Swati people dispersed to various areas of country, everybody welcomed them. They traveled without any restriction to as far as the other end of Pakistan to Karachi and built a whole colonies there. No province stopped them, and there was a huge media campaign and a concerted effort. Why, because the Swat is in Ppakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

My Secret Recipe for Lasagna- Guest Chefling Wes Malik

From the Blog cheflingtales I’ve been asked on many occasions what my favourite food is, and just like Garfield, it’s Lasagna! Lasagna is a no brainer when it comes to cooking and the recipe is on the box when you buy Lasagna from the supermarket. There’s your standard ingredients that go into Lasagna such as: Lasagna (duh) Mince Meat Continue reading «My Secret Recipe for Lasagna- Guest Chefling Wes Malik» The post My Secret Recipe for Lasagna- Guest Chefling Wes Malik appeared first on Chefling Tales. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 1092178531610580743 Pakistani Blog Posts


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