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The Too Much Information (TMI) Award

From the Blog the-emo-wolverine-writesWhen I first got this award from Yasmine at ~~ Cloudy Dreams ~~ I thought TMI stood for "The Mortal Instruments" whereas it actually stands for Too Much Information. *facepalms* Apparently, it's a Youtube award which has decided to migrate to Blogger and it involves answering this fixed set of fifty questions (thank God they're fixed, it would have been horrible making fifty new questions Q.Q) Q1) What are you wearing? I'm wearing a yellow polka dot long kameez with white lace at the bottom end, which my mother sewed, with a white dupatta and the jeans my father brought for me from his last trip to the US. Q2) Ever been in love? Ever since I touched my phone and laptop- yes. Q3) Ever had a terrible breakup? My first personal laptop was a netbook and it went out of action in a rapakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 6267597111262371145 Pakistani Blog Posts


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