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More Books 4 U...

From the Blog beanbagtalesThere was a time when I thought I'll never ever part with any of my books. That, for as long as I live, I'll keep every single book I've ever bought. Every single one. Have I stuck to my book pact? I'm afraid I haven't. Over the past few years I've donated many of my books. You might ask, dear reader, what brought the change of heart? More like change of space - getting customised shelves made is very expensive these days. But more than the cost, I think it was the very act of hoarding books which lost its appeal. Why collect books which a) I didn't plan to re-read, b) didn't plan to read at all or c) disliked? Why not give them away to new readers who might actually enjoy both reading and owning the book? With this noble thought in mind, I donated many books to a couple of bopakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 6973508340305052935 Pakistani Blog Posts


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