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Maulana Azad's Grandniece Says "Muslims Are Not Minorities" in India

From the Blog riazhaq"Muslims are not minorities. Parsis are. We have to see how we can help them so that their numbers don't diminish...This is not the ministry for Muslim Affairs. It's the ministry for Minorities Affairs." Indian Minorities Minister Najma Heptullah, Grandniece of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad Najmullah Heptullah (left) on stage with BJP LeadersIt appears that Najma Heptullah, Narendra Modi's minister for minorities affairs, thinks the main focus of her job is to look after the welfare of India's 60,000 Parsis, three-fourths of them living in Mumbai's exclusive neighborhoods. Her statement implies that she does not consider her fellow Muslims as a minority that needs any of her attention. Her statements raise the following questions: 1. Is she merely expressing her own personal opinion opakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 8605627192058636001 Pakistani Blog Posts


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