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How to write MCollective Agents to run actions in background

From the Blog ayaz The Marionette Collective, or MCollective in short, is a cutting-edge tech for running system administration tasks and jobs in parallel against a cluster of servers. When the number of servers you have to manage grows, the task of managing them, including keeping the OS and packages installed on them updated, becomes without a doubt a nightmare. MCollective helps you drag yourself out of that nightmare and into a jolly dream, where you are the king, and at your disposal is a powerful tool, by merely wielding which you can control all of your servers in one go. I’ll probably do a bad job of painting MCollective in good light, so I’d recommend you read all about it on MCollective’s main website. Like every good tool worth its while, MCollective gives you the power to extend it bpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 2901881980757039601 Pakistani Blog Posts


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