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Junior High School Students inside the Lahore Fort

From the Blog sarahinsouthkorea These boys from a neighboring school near Lahore Fort helped me go to Jahanir's Maqbara in Shahdara, the year was 2009. Very sweet and extremely helpful! They told me that they are at a stage in life where they need guidance and that's something there teachers hesitate to talk about! Only one of the boys had a computer and internet facility. I sent this photo to the guy on extreme right but I never heard from him, the email he gave me was his sisters' - which isn't an issue but anyways! Thanks you all for extending help and sharing your thoughts and a quick chit, chat! There uniform is different from uniforms in Islamabad - what we lack in Pakistan is uniformity. :-) pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 2415216475053640286 Pakistani Blog Posts


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