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جاپان اور جتین شاھ صاحب

From the Blog khawarking جاپان کی اون لائیں اردو اخبار ، روز نامہ اخبار پر یہ خبر دیکھی کہ یہ کسی تالاب کی صفائی میں سینکڑوں سائکلیں ، تہہ میں غرق کی ہوئی ملی ہیں ۔ تو مجھے یاد آایا کہ یہان جاپان میں سائیکل ایک ایسی چیز ہے کہ ہر کسی کو حاصل ہے ۔ یہاں جاپان کے دیہاتی علاقے ، اباراکی ، سائیتاما ، توچی گی اور گنماں کی ڈویژنوں کے سنگم پر ،اپ کو کئی سائکلیں ادھر ادھر کھیتوں کے کنارے یا کسی نشیب میں پڑی مل جائیں گی ۔ انیس سو اٹھاسی یں جب میں پہلی بار جاپان ایا تو اس وقت تو عام سی بات تھی کہ اسٹیشن کے سامنے ، کسی سنٹر پر یا کسی گھر کے سامنے پڑی سائیکل کو تالا نہیں لگا ہو گا۔ میری نسل کے زایدہ تر پاکستانی ، اس زمانے میں جاپان میں کمائی کے لئے انر ہوئے تھے ۔ اتھاسی سے پہلے جو پاکستانی یہان تھے وہ زیادہ تر بھیک مانگا کرتے تھے ، بھیک مانگنے کا طرقہ یہ تھا کہ ، خود کو سٹوڈنٹ ظاہر کرکے کسی ٹرین میں ، کوئی چیز فروختpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Living through another age of partition

From the Blog odysseuslahori On a cold and foggy morning in January 2010, my friend Talwinder Singh, the short story writer from Amritsar, drove me to Buttar Khurd, a short way off the Grand Trunk Road en route to Jalandhar. We had come to see old Charan Singh. Even before he entered the courtyard where we sat, we could hear the tap-tap-tap of his cane in the paved alley outside. Small of stature and a little hunched over by age, the man had large milky eyes that had not seen the light of day for 20 years. He himself was, so he said, 83 that year. As a 20-year-old constable in the district administration, he was assigned as guard to a Sikh revenue officer in Kasur. When the line was drawn with Kasur falling to Pakistan and mayhem began, Charan and his officer crossed the BRB canal and made for the new Indipakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments


From the Blog shahabesaqibGeorge Parker is one of the most notorious con men in American history. He became infamous for repeatedly selling New York's public landmarks to unsuspecting tourists. His personal favorite was the Brooklyn Bridge, but he also routinely sold Madison Square Garden, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and the Statue of Liberty. In fact, he was so convincing that tourists would often attempt to collect money after they made a "purchase" and had to be removed by the police! He would sometimes pose as the original owner's grandson or set up a fake office and seem legitimate. He was so incredible at forging documents that even educated travelers thought they were real. Parker was eventually caught and sentenced to life in prison, where he was extremely popular among the guards and criminalpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 1796378751056658634 Pakistani Blog Posts


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