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Maybelline Winter Bloggers Meet coming up!

From the Blog fashionandbeautyinfinityHello! So I got the invite for Maybelline Winter Bloggers Meet being held in Karachi this week. Wanted to know who all will I be seeing there from you all ? This will be my first bloggers meet and I'd love to meet you guys! Let me know :) xo Hana pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Peace in Our Time

From the Blog pakteahouse Saad Hafiz [image: images]Between phase of strident nationalism and armed conflict, India-Pakistan relations have mostly remained in deep freeze from which there still appears to be no hope of recovery. Historically, bilateral ties have been dominated by shrill jingoism, xenophobia and a quest for absolute justice at the expense of national interest and political realism. National leaders, instead of pursuing peace, have generally found it easier to propagate hawkish positions, unwilling to risk charges of appeasement, defeatism and selling out. Despite the mutual animosity, the two neighbours, unable to change geography, are destined to live together and to continue their turbulent negotiations, interactions and engagements. As both countries continue to acquire expensive kipakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Disappointments with my friends

From the Blog united4justice I really hate myself while writing this but need to write it to give an honest view point. I am really disappointed with almost all of my Shia friends who support this war. I thought there must be some good significant number of Shias in Pakistan who don't blindly toe the line of that Jerk Khemenei or Seestani but here it seems its not the case and almost all are determined to push not only their selves in this more war mess and resulting terrorism but also others too. Almost all my Shia friends cannot see the fact they are being used as a fuel for this war by Pakistani and other pro-war establishments including their beloved Khomenist regime in Iran. I also criticize sunni or deobandi or ahl-e-hadith or other sects and social classes for the hate based crap some of their leadpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 8882783821180206760 Pakistani Blog Posts


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