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Dehati Indian Aurat and Dehati Kashmiri Mard

From the Blog pkhope In rural areas of Pakistan, in the small villages, whenever fight breaks out, it is settled by the village elders. In one such long running dispute, there was this rural woman who didn't waste any chance to run and start whining about her adversary in front of the elders. This is the joke which was shared by Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif with the journalists on the breakfast, and that is what is being touted as something very derogatory. Sharif was refering to Indian PM's complain to US on his breakfast with Obama about Pakistan as epicenter of terrorism. Though apparently, PM Manmohan Singh of India has no problem with it. Even the Indian journalists who were present at that informal talk with the PM Nawaz Sharif laughed. In fact, Indian reporters and the Pakistani journos whpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 7838000232971868924 Pakistani Blog Posts


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