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Old Books

From the Blog iamzeeshanOld books. They fascinate me. Well, books generally fascinate me, but there's just something about these old books that hold a charm over me. This is one spell I don't want to break free of. Too beautiful. Old books, are of course *old*. The moment the book is published it captures time, and that particular era is locked forever. If you go through the older books, you will find major differences on different levels. The book publishing in itself has evolved over time. *The books have evolved. * [image: The Evolution of the Book]Click the picture to see a larger version. Let's look at it from another perspective. Books are mere vessels, carriers. Of the story, of the characters and of time itself. Just like photographs. *What is about the old books? *One of them is their *frapakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 4200148489866270544 Pakistani Blog Posts


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