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The Demonic Rape

From the Blog dailylahorepost Demon inside a human never sleeps. It comes out and haunts us and then we indulge in barbaric acts. Another reason to stay sleepless for there are animals in the guise of humans who have sold their souls to the devils without any formal satanic worship. A 5 year old girl got gang-raped in Lahore Pakistan. She was abducted in front of her house, raped and molested from all corners and left in front of a hospital. Pedophiles reign through terror in a place where justice for a rape victim seems like a nightmarish dream. The youngest of ten siblings, Sumbal has grown up and seen the cruelty of the world at such a tender age. In Pakistan a rape victim, thanks to Zia has no say in the matter. She has to produce 4 witnesses because DNA evidence is inadmissible. A few days ago a 17 ypakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Ten Things About Pakistan You Probably Don't Know.

From the Blog raafay-awan *This post is the part of #MeraPakWatan Blogging Competition written by Gul Zehra Zaidi for '14 Acts for Pakistan' :)* Pakistan is going through difficult times. The future looks bleak. Hope seems to be a luxury we cannot afford" - Statements such as these are common these days. However, I tend to disagree. I don't believe there's anything as bad about Pakistan that can't be fixed by what's good about it. Pakistan is a beautiful country that has proven to be the epitome of resilience in the most difficult of times. Here's to celebrate everything that makes Pakistan a country, so beautiful and so strong. Here's to the breathtaking beauty and unimaginable strength. Here's to things you probably didn't know about Pakistan. Continue reading.. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 3335507603422478162 Pakistani Blog Posts


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