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Malala and the cause of Controversy

From the Blog borderlinegreen As Malala makes headlines around the world, back home she is a controversial figure. She has sparked debate between liberals & conservatives as can happen only in Pakistan and also to half a dozen conspiracy theories. People like to be branded as liberals, take credit in appreciating her whereas many of her former sympathizers simply question her stand as the icon of female education. What is the cause of this skepticism? Liberals accuse her opponents as being apologetically defensive of the Taliban and linking them to the drone attacks. But simply put, many question her self-appointed position as scion of child right to education because of the image portrayed to the West at this point in time. Female education is not a novel issue to be debated in this part of the world espepakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 1074847289687779112 Pakistani Blog Posts


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