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How to deal with Career Choices?

From the Blog hammadsiddiquiblog Out from the college and confused. Following is an email I received last evening from a young girl who is qualified enough to start her career in*Social Media Marketing * or Event Management as these are considered hot careers these days. Read what she says: I have done BS in Mass Communication, and my major subjects are advertising, event management and PR. My area of interests are: - Event Management - Advertising - Marketing - Social Media - Designing - Textile Right now I am doing a job in a school as a teacher. This is a reasonably paid job, but I am not comfortable with it. Every day I think I should quit! One the sidelines, using my passion to bake, I started a home-based business and selling Cakes using online marketing, mainly Facebook. Thipakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Zardari Ke Faisly Aur Akhri Keel by Wasi Shah

From the Blog columnpkZardari Ke Faisly Aur Akhri Keel by Wasi Shahpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 6557424726631333985 Pakistani Blog Posts


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