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Fight Between Flagship Devices: Samsung Galaxy S4 Vs. Sony Xperia Z Vs. HTC One

From the Blog propakistani The new trend to buy the latest flagship devices from renowned smartphone manufacturers is growing day by day in the Pakistani market. However, it is rather disappointing that many of the leading companies like Apple, HTC, Google and Sony have no official stores in Pakistan. Many of the smartphones are either being smuggled or brought from other countries like Dubai at higher rates. We also [...] The post Fight Between Flagship Devices: Samsung Galaxy S4 Vs. Sony Xperia Z Vs. HTC One appeared first on . pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Resolve energy crisis first

From the Blog paknews The growth, prosperity and security of any country depend, to a large extent, on the adequacy, efficiency and functionality of its electricity industry. Electricity Crisis in Pakistan is one of the severe challenges the country is facing today.* *The root problem is Electricity generation which never took place proportionately with the rising demand.* *The energy crisis was not only the power shortfall per se but also the mismanagement and bad intent of PPP government. The government remained indifferent and was not serious about resolving the energy crisis.* * Uninterrupted supply and reasonably priced electricity is vital for the industrial and economic growth of the country. Energy crisis has been destroying national economy but the then government did not bother to improvepakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Mass media and Agriculture Development in Pakistan

From the Blog pkhope Pakistan is an agricultural country. The total economy of Pakistan is dependent on Agriculture sector. With its present contribution to GDP at 23.3 %, it accounts for 42.1 % of the total employed labor force and is the largest source of foreign exchange earnings. However the agriculture production is much smaller in Pakistan than the other countries of the world. It is the fact the farmer adopt the latest techniques, they increase their agricultural production. So, the basic need is that to adopt the science and technology in the field agriculture. In order to this, we obtained different types of techniques like mass media which has great role in every field but it has great sense of importance in agricultural field. We found that villages which are located in union council pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 6761800426282435971 Pakistani Blog Posts


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