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Book Review: Between Clay and Dust

From the Blog borderlinegreen It was the title of the book and the author's name that made me want to read it. Musharraf Ali Farooqi is a name well known for his translations of Urdu classics, The Adventures of Amir Hamza (2007,Modern Library) and the first book of a projected 24-volume magical fantasy epic, Hoshruba (2009, Urdu Project/Random House India). He is also the author of children books. The title '*Between Clay and Dust*' has a natural pull to it perhaps because it reminds one of what we are made of and what we will turn to at the end of life. The cover of the book draws equal attention. Initially the story didn't get my full attention until I got the part where Tamami prepares for his first wrestling challenge with a wresting giant of his time. This was the high point in the story for me. This pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 5552400827220627057 Pakistani Blog Posts


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