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I Miss You, Father.

From the Blog raafay-awan *Written By: Ayesha Omar.* There's full moon shivering on the sky shining as much as it can. I'm missing you AGAIN father. Well, tonight it was something else. Not likely always. I get a flashback of my bestest times with you. Singing the verse. You tucked me in,turned out the light, kept me safe and sound at night, little girls depend on things like that. brushed my teeth and combed my hair. had to drive me everywhere you were always there when I looked back you had to do it all alone, make a living make a home must have been as hard as it could be. and when i couldn't sleep at night scary things wouldn't turn out right, you would hold my hand and sing to me. I was singing it and crying, tears rolling down to my cheeks letting me know that what your presence meant to me.About tpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 7012991288243257974 Pakistani Blog Posts


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