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Samsung and Ufone to Co-Launch Galaxy S4 in Pakistan

From the Blog propakistaniSamsung and Ufone have joined hands to launch Samsung Galaxy S4 in Pakistan during the first week of May 2013. An MoU was signed between both the companies today, under which Ufone will become the exclusive cellular partner for the launch and sale of Samsung Galaxy S4. Ufone said that it will offer Galaxy S4 to its customers at easy instalments, However, no further details [...]pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Syed Adnan Ali Naqvi

From the Blog ashiyanacampRespected Friends, Volunteers, Family Members and Readers, Assalam O Alikum And Good Afternoon. This is Syed Adnan Ali Naqvi (Volunteer of Team Ashiyana, Miranshah, North Waziristan. Pakistan) We're running a free school for the children, a free Orphan Camp with almost 80 kids (age b/w 4 - 13 years both boys / girls), one time free meal (cooked food) supply into hungers and Free Medical Camp in a week here in Miranshah, North Waziristan. All of these We are doing with the donations, contributions and support of our family members, friends, volunteers and local Waziri peoples, who want peace in this area but can't due to highest influence of some trouble makers. Me and my team (Team Ashiyana) is working with all of the difficulties and problems in Miranshah, North Waziristan. Al pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 2966621981714683338 Pakistani Blog Posts


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