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Musharraf can be tried but PCO judges were given indemnity by parliament:Ansar Abbasi (The News)

From the Blog united4justice by Ansar Abbasi Source : ISLAMABAD: General (retd) Pervez Musharraf can be tried under Article 6 of the Constitution for his November 3, 2007 action as well as for his October 12, 1999 martial law, but the 18th Amendment gives constitutional cover to the PCO oath taken by superior court judges in 2000. Although the 2008 parliament scrapped certain parts of the 17th Amendment passed by Musharraf's parliament in 2004, the 18th Amendment endorses the indemnity of the oath of judges under PCO taken in 2000. Therefore, as per the Constitution Musharraf could be tried for high treason for twice abrogating the Constitution, once in October 1999 and again in Npakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 1850729362657478936 Pakistani Blog Posts


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