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Is Love blind ?

From the Blog affanaali [image: Image] Yesterday afternoon some of my colleagues including me were arguing about something. That turned to relationships, and then to the pros and cons of love marriages and arrange marriages. The conclusion was "love is Blind" and therefore majority of the love marriages does not last long and ends up in divorce. Does all that make sense? Surely, all those who say this are completely clueless about what they are saying and why they are saying this. To say "Love is Blind" is completely unjustified. Love sees more not less, Love sees beyond what a normal sight can see. Those who say it are clueless of what they are saying, when we say Love is Blind, it does not actually mean love; what it actually refer to is "Selfishness". So in reality when saying "Love is Blind" wepakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 7130665751827601297 Pakistani Blog Posts


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