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Online help

From the Blog sajshiraziWith the advent of computers, the Internet and collaborative web technologies, education is spreading through the wide users' base across the world. Many users, particularly students and teachers, have already integrated computers for online education in their lives and are … Continue reading →pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Ensure electoral transparency and accountability

From the Blog paknews [image: electoral transparency]Every five years or so, Pakistanis vote in elections that tend to reopen old, festering economic, and ethnic and religious wounds. The upcoming May 11 parliamentary election is taking place against the background of bloodshed and carnage, which is more about politics of mud throwing on others than ideologies or policies. Most main-stream parties have already kicked-off their campaigns, but we won't be seeing many faces changing. The situation in the country is unstable moving backwards instead of going forward. Because of poor security situation in the country it would be difficult to organize campaign. The stakes this year are especially high following the disastrous 2008 poll, which unleashed a pre-electoral bloodbath. Bloodshed and violence is pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Fall of PTI

From the Blog pkhope When Haroon Rasheed and Hassan Nisar start their utter disappointment, sheer anguish, and extreme anger regarding the Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaaf and literally start questioning the sagacity and foresight of its leader Imran Khan, then it means that things are really bad, very bad with the PTI. The barometer of media is also not showing that open love for the head honcho of Tehrik-e-Insaaf and he has virtually disappeared from the media screens and has been replaced by the former president Pervaiz Musharraf. PTI has been replaced by the APML spokespersons and defenders in the TV talkshows and instead of Inam ullah Niazi, you would see Ahmad Raza Kasuri fighting with the PML-N these days. DSNG vans are now located in Chak Shehzad instead of Bani Gala. In retrospect, the holdingpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 6083266761523841585 Pakistani Blog Posts


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