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Fathers and Sons and Chechnya

From the Blog pakistanisforpeace By Juan Cole for Informed Comment [image: dagestan] The anger and embarrassment visible in the interviews given on Friday by the uncle and the aunt of Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, the alleged Boston Marathon bombers, are entirely understandable. But I see clues here to family dynamics that may be important in understanding what happened. In Ivan Turgenev's 1862, novel, "Fathers and Sons," the old man's son, Arkady, comes back home after studies with a friend, Bazarov, after both had adopted the radical philosophy of Nihilism. Their radicalism roiled the family for a while, until Bazarov's death. (Later, in 1881, Nihilists assassinated Tsar Alexander II). The key back in 2013, I think, is Maret Tsarnaeva's assertion that the father, Anzor, 'worked in the enforcement agenpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 7708742511837807764 Pakistani Blog Posts


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