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Featured Kickstarter: Clip and Clamp

From the Blog smaculadigg_url = "";digg_title = "Featured Kickstarter: Clip and Clamp";digg_bgcolor = "#FFFFFF";digg_skin = "normal";digg_url = undefined;digg_title = undefined;digg_bgcolor = undefined;digg_skin = undefined;By Sami Mughal One of our latest featured Kickstarter is Clip and Clamp, an innovative new product that holds your mobile pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Ahistoricism and Reform

From the Blog awaisaftabAs far as I can assess, Islam - when seen in terms of its historical origin and development - isn't quite as intolerant as extremists would like it to be, nor quite as liberal as liberal Muslims would like it to be. In this sense, both are guilty of ahistoricism. Both wish to uphold respectively idealized versions that do not correspond well with what history has to offer, and resultantly, the history is either distorted or conveniently ignored. 'Moderates' are probably more in line in terms of the *severity*of beliefs, but the moral zeitgeist has evolved significantly, so much so that this 'moderate' stance is no longer ethically justifiable. The liberals are on the 'right side of history' as far as their ethical direction is concerned, but I do not think that any authentic theolpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 8532623570690931600 Pakistani Blog Posts


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