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"creatures of four walls"

From the Blog dannish-dannish This was his fourth year in the hospital, and his family had by then spaced out their visits to see him. Though he was suffering from ventilator dependent respiratory failure, failure to thrive, recurrent pneumonias and heart failure, his real suffering was being stuck in those four walls of a hospital room for the rest of his life. His condition was not always such that it kept him hospital-bound. At one point, he was ready to go home but his wife could not muster enough will and support. At other times, he was hoping to get better than he already was before going home. His plans never came through, as so often happens. He was a permanent resident of those four walls by the time I took over his care. By nature man is a creature of four walls; it can be a room in a house, pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Donny jumps for the Cystic Fibrosis Trust

From the Blog smacula [image: ImageProxy] The Bloukrans Bridge in South Africa is the world's highest bungee bridge, with the jump platform standing 709 feet above the ground below. A friend of the site, Donny (@*DeludedDonny*), has decided that he wants to jump off that platform, hurtling towards the ground at about 95 feet per second with only a thin bungee cord to keep him from hitting the ground at the bottom. He is aiming to raise £709 for the jump, every pound of which will go to a very worthwhile cause, *The Cystic Fibrosis Trust*, who do amazing work supporting CF sufferers and their families. Donny's partner's niece suffers from cystic fibrosis and so it has particular meaning to them. At present, the life expectancy of CF sufferers is only around 30 years, but it is hoped that this will ipakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 9012081252726976383 Pakistani Blog Posts


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