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Pakistan Prepares For Election

From the Blog pakistanisforpeace By Farhan Bokhari in Lahore and Victor Mallet in New Delhi for The Financial Times [image: Image] Pakistan's government stepped down at the weekend after a full five-year term, paving the way for an election and change of administration that would be the country's first constitutional democratic handover since independence and partition from India in 1947. "It is true that in the past five years we have not been able to make rivers of milk and honey flow in the country," said Raja Pervez Ashraf, prime minister in the Pakistan People's party (PPP) government of President Asif Ali Zardari, in a televised farewell speech. "We have used all our resources to strengthen the foundations of democracy and – by the grace of God – today democracy is so strong that no one will dare to dpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 4819481613375403216 Pakistani Blog Posts


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