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Sky way Air Ambulance .. Concept

From the Blog promarkiting Emergency Helicopters Skyway Air Ambulance - Emergency Helicopters As maneuverable as they are, emergency helicopters still have limitations like relatively low speed and limited reach with their large rotors that prevent them from landing close to objects. The Skyway concept concentrates on eliminating these setbacks by utilizing a unique multi-fan propulsion system that makes it smaller, faster, more stable, safer, and all-in-all better equipped to access emergency situations that even ground ambulances might have trouble getting to. You gotta check out the vid to see how this bad boy works! Web Designing Karachi hosting packages Web Designing e-commerce CMS website designing karachi Web Designing Pakistan Website Design Website Designing Web Hostipakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Media Apna Mazaq Na Banway – Talat Hussain

From the Blog columnpkTalat Hussain Column About Print and Electronic Media Role in Pakistan, Pakistani Media is not responsible, Talat Hussain analysis Pakistani Media Role in this Articlepakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 4488448913495353076 Pakistani Blog Posts


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