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From the Blog thevoiceofyouthShe hid behind the pillar with her eyes closed, her insight in the hall way. ….The woman in white stamped her left foot to the ground, creating a magical rhythm that upset the beats of observers…. She was no astrologer, and not an expert seer; nevertheless she knew what happened...pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

On Vegan Diet and Cancer

From the Blog sarahinsouthkoreaI was reading a yahoo's "loser" article :can vegn diet prevent cancer? and I usually read one top comment at the end (because it gets most thumbs up); so here's the comment... it cracked me up.. *"Best way to avoid cancer completely is to be dead. "* This reminds me of a funny comment I saw a while back. A man walks into his doctor's office for his appointment and asks him a simple question: "Hey Doc, do you think I'll live to 100?" The doctor looks at him and asks him the following questions: "Do you smoke?" The man replies "No" "Do you drink?" The man replies "No" "Do you party?" The man replies "No" "Do you eat unhealthy at times?" The man replies "No" "Do you ever have sex?" The man replies "No" Then the doctor asks him: "So why the heck do you want to live to 100!?" Point in pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 6885005406362338811 Pakistani Blog Posts


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