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Walk while ye have the Light of Love....

From the Blog kiranashrafEvery moment of light is a miracle Warning: You may not understand the following post completely. Please accept my apologies for that. Consider it as another of my rants. Welcome to My World. Thought and Thought again and again, Should I or Should I not. I did eventually because I cant go along faking it but was I Right? I didn't mean to hurt anyone and I didn't meant to make someone feel miserable but I did. Was I wrong or was I right? I guess I may never know. It was a choice, a choice to go along happily or a choice to risk everything and blurt out the truth. The truth has to come out. Was I too stupid to forgive that easily? They say I am. They say I do that always but isn't that the right thing to do? Isn't that what we should all do...Forgive and Forget. "A heart that pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Nawaz League Ka Pachtawa by Talat Hussain

From the Blog columnpkNawaz League Ka Pachtawa by Talat Hussainpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 3855956752551617946 Pakistani Blog Posts


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