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One thing you must have (بندہ کہ سہی رہا ہے)

From the Blog blog One thing that has helped me the most is having a central platform to call my "home" on the Internet, as I explain in this video: Know the difference Sure, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Instagram, all of these are like markets. You take a stroll down main market, you visit Liberty Market or heck, sometimes you find the time to go to Moon Market [image: 😁]… but where is *your home*? *That* is the platform, your own domain name, your own website, your own blog, your own online store. So do not think of having your own website as something that is "not necessary". Your own platform, that will always be necessary…. the only thing that changes is HOW you use it. You go to where the people are to share your message, make your presentation, spread your idea or build your pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 5602554168443460820 Pakistani Blog Posts


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